The definitive pizza and pasta industry event, supported by Associazione Pizza Verace Napolitana, returns to Olympia London on 21-22 June 2023.
The 7th European Pizza and Pasta Show, organised by Bellavita Expo Ltd, will open its doors for buyers, industry experts and media to join suppliers and manufacturers from Italy, the UK and beyond. Within a tastefully crafted one-stop shop, the visitors are able to explore 500 leading producers, brands, as well as join master classes of world-renowned chefs and master pizzaioli.
The participants are able to join in an inspirational event programme featuring highly anticipated ‘Empowering Women in Pizza Industry’ seminar chaired by Stephanie Swane, Editorial Director of Modernist Cuisine USA, discuss the history and future of pizza with chef Francisco Migoya, and attend 20+ talks from speakers representing market-leading restaurant and pizzeria chains, grocery businesses, importers, wholesalers, and distributors.
Stefano Auricchio AVPN General Manager shares with us: “We are pleased to renew the partnership and to participate for the second consecutive year at the European Pizza & Pasta Show in London, an event whose strong growth reflects the increasing interest of the UK market for Neapolitan Pizza".
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