"We have taken the mandate to protect the Neapolitan pizza from the attacks of the multinational Mc Donald's, not only in the name of the noble Neapolitan tradition, but also to protect the health of consumers and especially children."
This morning the lawyer Angelo Pisani, appointed by the True Neapolitan Pizza Association to take the field, triggering legal action against the contested advertising of Mc Donald's.
In the video, as widely spread by the press, is suggested that children prefer the American industrial giant's burger compared to Neapolitan pizza.
"We denounce Mc Donald's for this advertising - announces Pisani - using all the authorities, from the antitrust authority up to the courts, both nationally and internationally, since the movie was widely circulated on the web and is therefore visible in every part of the world. "
The first request is to immediately withdraw the ad and inhibit all forms of dissemination, "it is - goes on Pisani - misleading advertising and also in bad taste, because it uses instrumentally children, to eat foods, such as the burgers of the USA multinational, much less healthy than the neapolitan pizza, which is not frozen or produced with ingredients of dubious origin, but is instead made under the eyes of the consumer with flour, tomato, olive oil, basil and mozzarella, therefore the most natural and healthy product, as the nutrition experts teachs. "
In addition to the withdrawal of the spot, will be required compensation for all damage caused. The proceeds will be donated to a charity for the care of young patients in pediatric hospitals in Campania.
"Without prejudice to any legal action - concludes Pisani - now we expect from Mc Donald's the apologies, and maybe even new advertising activities free from manipulation or misunderstandings, to avoid having to get to having to show in the premises of the multinational that the pizzas are much healthier and much more good".