

Scugnizzonapoletano is an electric oven.
It is ecological, pleasant to look at, unmatched in power.
It cooks pizza like a wood-fired oven, but with no combustion residues, no management costs that this has, no additional expenses such as the one for the purchase of the soot scrubber, overcoming many limitations imposed on the pizzeria by the regulations.
As electrically powered, scugnizzonapoletano has been and can be placed everywhere: in historic buildings, in luxury hotels, in prestigious museums, on cruise ships, in starred restaurants.
The energy-saving electronic control panel guarantees low costs which translate into a lighter bill.
The harmonious shapes, with handmade copper parts, allow the oven to be placed anywhere with a visually striking effect. A real piece of furniture.
The temperature in the cooking chamber, even with the mouth open, remains unchanged for the whole working time.
Incredibly Peppe Krauss, its draftsman and designer has pursued a utopia that has actually materialized: to create an electric oven without a closing door and which, despite the mouth being constantly open, reached and maintained for any time the high temperature necessary for produce the True Neapolitan Pizza. This, in fact, requires that in cooking there is a constant convective motion generated by the cold air that enters and the warm air that comes out, just a caress, but indispensable. Then, the open mouth is necessary for the pizzaiolo to continually govern his product.
But not only this. He wanted it to have real Sorrento biscuit soil, although it would not have been possible to cement it. And there it is. He wanted it to have the radiation that contributes to the coloring of the pizza. And there it is.
Master Salvatore Santucci gave the perfect synthesis of our patent:
It is the only wood-burning oven ... without wood. Better!
What came after the Scugnizzonapoletano is only an imitation of its beautiful shapes, totally innovative for electrical ovens and some essential details, such as the open mouth and the sill for baking.
Scugnizzonapoletano is imitated by many, but remains inimitable.


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Siège Social: Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana, Via Capodimonte 19a, 80131 Napoli, Italia - C.F./P.IVA: 07801000634
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