The AVPN, which has been protecting True Neapolitan Pizza worldwide since 1984, decided to approve and enroll in its Approved Suppliers Register the "Scugnizzonapoletano", the electric oven conceived and designed in Naples by Eng. Russo Krauss.
"Once again an innovation protecting tradition - claims Antonio Pace, AVPN President - made possible thanks to an electric oven that meets specific quality parameters and protects the indispensable craft of the baker. The Scugnizzonapoletano is in fact the first electric oven capable of reproducing the heat sources necessary for cooking true Neapolitan Pizza according to the Regulations. "
The oven was approved after a long verification process during which the Scugnizzonapoletano was subjected to numerous tests, both at low and high regimes, up to the simulation of the work of a successful pizzeria on Saturday night. The verification involved firsthand the Association's Board of Directors also composed of Massimo Di Porzio and Paolo Surace and took into account also the experiences and tests carried out by the many veraci instructors and pizza-makers who, in recent years, have tested, used and purchased this oven.
"In the approval of the Scugnizzonapoletano - declares Stefano Auricchio, AVPN General Manager - we took into account the Green change that is taking place in many countries of the world. At this moment it is even more necessary to make choices in favor of ecology and environment that are coherent with the path taken by the Association in recent years. "
From today pizzerias that have chosen the Scugnizzonapoletano can be affiliate to Association and take advantage of the Neapolitan Pizza "Forno Elettrico - Electric Oven” plate (, which protects consumers by certifying compliance with the True Neapolitan Pizza International Regulation and the art of Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo, intangible heritage of UNESCO