"The Traditional Art of the Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo is recognized as part of the cultural heritage of humanity,
transmitted from generation to generation and continuously recreated, able to provide the community
with a sense of identity and continuity and to promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity.
"With these wonderful words, UNESCO recognizes and celebrates the greatness of a true form of art, that
of the Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo, which since 2017 is among the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. And this
greatness lies not only in the manual skills of the Master Pizzaiuolo but also and above all in the cultural,
historical and identity value of the True Neapolitan Pizza.
We at AVPN are proud to be able to say that part of this historic recognition is the result of our
commitment and dedication to protecting and safeguarding Neapolitan Pizza in Italy and around the world
since 1984; We did it first of all by defining a rigorous production specification, and we continue to do so by
training competitions and national and international initiatives.
But this year we wanted to do something even grander.. We have given our Intangible Heritage a
"material" dimension, through the Celebratory Work of the True Neapolitan Pizza and the Art of the
Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo, a tangible sign that will last forever, as well as the first monument entirely dedicated
to a typical dish. And it was a real honor to have the opportunity to collaborate with an artist of the caliber
of Maestro Lello Esposito for the realization of the work. Lello is the son of Naples, and Naples has given
him all its beauty and its innumerable symbols so that Espositovi consecrate all his incredible creativity in
his pictorial and sculptural masterpieces. No one better than him could therefore give life to a monument
so full of symbolism and meaning for Naples, which is recognized all over the world as the cradle of pizza.
As AVPN, we wanted to create such an important work, directly and thanks to the contribution of affiliated
pizzerias around the world, which will be visible through a QR code on the monument; a sign of gratitude
for the master pizza makers who are the real protagonists of the journey made so far and that we are sure
the City of Naples will be able to welcome one of its wonderful squares where tourists can take their selfies
with the most beautiful pizza in the world.
Antonio Pace, Massimo Di Porzio e Paolo Surace
A large bronze disc, the iconic form of pizza, one of the most popular and appreciated Italian foods
in the world.
An irregular roundness that reveals, with its jagged shape, the traces of an artistic manipulation in
the sculptural matter.
Lines, signs, reliefs and endorsements are the memory of the movements of the hands of the
sculptor who moulds and imprints in the metal the representation of the wise gestures of the
Neapolitan pizza makers: another art form, secular expression of genius, of the passion and
dedication that are the basis of the preparation of this food.
The background color of the sculpture is a clear reference to the red of the tomato, pleasant
eruption of taste, that it recalls to the palate and the mind that Vesuvius on whose slopes this
ultracentenaria history of taste has been born.
At the center of the work are carved four basil leaves that, arranged like a four-leaf clover and the
color "green hope", assume symbolic value of good luck and positivity.
On its surface, 12 metal sheets embossed with golden patina, are visual reminder of the "White
Gold" of Campania: mozzarella, another essential ingredient in the canonical preparation of pizza.
The twelve is not a random number, but a precise reference of the artist to the number of months
of the year and the hours antimeridiane and sundials that are counted in a day: symbol of a time
to devote to conviviality and the pleasure of enjoying good food.
The pizza, represented in an imposing sculpture of 2 meters in diameter, leaves the usual
horizontal plane for a "verticalism" that translates into a monumental vision of this icon of taste,
Over the years it has become a symbol of culinary excellence at a global level.
A monument to Napoletanity and good food, symbolic and tangible work of the UNESCO
recognition of 2017 that recognized as intangible heritage of humanity "the traditional art of the
Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo".
Sculptor and painter, Lello Esposito focuses his research on the relation between contemporary art
and tradition, by conceiving and re-elaborating the symbols of Neapolitan culture: Pulcinella, the
mask, the egg, the skull, the volcano, San Gennaro and the horn, at various stages of
Internationally renown for his work on archetypes, symbols and cultural imagination of the City of
Naples, Lello Esposito likes to define himself as a “cult artist”, referring to his personal research and
experimentation which, over his long career, led him to significantly contribute to the creation of
new interpretativeand representative forms of traditional Neapolitan icons.
The artist’s studio is located at Palazzo Sansevero, in what once was Raimondo di Sangro’s
workshop, while the atelier is located in the old stables of the same historical building.
Lello Esposito’s works have been exhibited in a number of personal and collective exhibitions, in
Italy and abroad, and his works are part of national and international, private and public
Name |
il Canale Giuseppe Farruggio |
"ZiZi Takumi Minato" |
'A Fenestella Anzai Takaya Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
+39 di Luca Di Massa Luca Di Massa Brand Ambassador Emilia Romagna |
400 Gradi Johnny Di Francesco Delegato Australasia |
50 Kalò Ciro Salvo |
50 Kalò Londra Ciro Salvo |
A16 Rockridge Nate Johnson |
A16 San Francisco Nate Johnson |
Acquaefarina Klaus Palumbo Brand Ambassador Trentino Alto Adige |
Addis Abeba Piccolo Fondatore |
Al Borgo Mattero Rocco Luigi |
Alberobello Tetsuya Akiyama |
Alfredo Fico Jr Pizzaiolo Verace |
Amalfi Pizza Greg Grant & Stephen De Hann |
Amici Fujita Akeo |
Amici trattoria e Pizzeria Josè Antonio Bressani |
Amici Yuji Ota |
Ammasciata Luca Tudda Brand Ambassador Calabria Tirrenica |
Andrea Cosco Pizzaiolo Verace |
Angelina's Shofuken Amiri-Fusco |
Anna Domenico e Maria Carmela Scola Brand Ambassador Pizza Senza Glutine |
Antica Hostaria Massa Michele Della Rocca |
Antica Napoli Pizzeria Ciro Damiano |
Antica Pizzeria "L'Asinello" Kyosuke Ohge |
Antica Pizzeria Dal 1957 Gaetano Luciano |
Antonia Ricciardi Brand Ambassador Spagna |
Antonio Pace Fondatore Presidente |
APizza di Napoli Cliff Garzillo |
Ardente Jose Jarero |
Aroma Del Sole ADS - Takehisa Kaneko |
Artisan Pizza Napoletana Jürgen Beck & Indra Webster |
Aurora Napolitano Staff |
Baco Pizzeria Gil Guimaraes Delegato Internazionale Brasile |
Basil & Barley Roberto Calcagno |
Basta Alexander Guarino |
Battil'oro Gennaro Battiloro Brand Ambassador Toscana |
Bella Napoli Acerra Vincenzo Di Fiore |
Benvenuti al Sud Fusco Mirko |
Benvenuti al Sud Lusciano Fusco Danilo |
Birdland Manabu Odawara Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Bistronomia ZAKZOUK AHMED |
Blu Maria Carlos Recalde Moreno |
Brick Fire Tavern Matthew Resichv |
Buganville Tetsuya Akiyama |
Ca Momi Dario De Conti |
Cafasso Stefano e Ugo Cafasso |
Campanile Matsui Kou |
Capasso Fam. Capasso |
Carmnella Vincenzo Esposito |
Cavallino Farah Leisure Parks Management L.L.C. |
CERVO Cervo - Minoru Higashijima |
Cesari Chisato Hotta |
Checco Pizza Francesco Checco Cassiano Brand Ambassador Puglia |
Ciao Osteria Antonino Di Nicola |
Ciao Pizzeria Napoletana Gabriel Rossi Delegato Internazionale Brasile |
Ciro & Sons srl Vincenzo Urbano |
Ciro Fornito Fondatore |
Coda Di Volpe Christopher Thompson |
Cornuto Mike Mc Connell |
Cos' e Pazz Checco De Simone Brand Ambassador Calabria Ionica |
Cotto Andy Mollica |
Crust Guam Brian Artero |
Crust Vienna Farhad Bazzar |
Da Attilio Attilio Bachetti |
Da Fulvio Fulvio Belfiore |
Da Gaetano Gaetano Fazio |
Da Gino Okitsu Ken |
Da Hachi Taichiro Yaoya |
Da Mario David A. Cowdrill |
da Zio Alfonso Vincenzo Canzanella |
Da Zuzu Azuma Daisuke - Azuma Kenji |
Dante F.lli De Vito |
Dante Fam. De Vito |
De Vito Fondatore |
Di Fiore Acerra Vincenzo Di Fiore |
Doppio Zero - Mountain View Gianni Chiloiro |
Doppio Zero SF Gianni Chiloiro |
E Io Pago Donato Vinciguerra |
Echi Ponte Vecchio Felice Mangiando PV - Since 1986 |
Emilia Iossa Fondatore |
Enosteria Lipen Corrado Scaglione Brand Ambassador Milano, Monza e Brianza |
Enzo Esposito Pizzaiolo Verace |
Ernesto Fico Pizzaiolo Verace |
F.lli La Cozza Piero Chiambretti, Carlo e Giulio Ferrari |
Fam. Agoglia Fondatore |
Fam. Capobianco Fondatore |
Fam. Marino Fondatore |
Fandango Salvatore Gatta Brand Ambassador Basilicata |
Felix Fukuma Hideki |
Flour House Alberto Russo |
Forentum Savino Di Noia |
Foretti's Pirozzi Corona Del Mar Alessandro Pirozzi |
Forni Rossi 777 Piotr Smieszek |
Forni Rossi Marcin Garbowski Brand Ambassador Polonia |
Forno Rosso Nick Nitti Fiduciario USA |
Fortuna Pace Staff |
Francesco Saverio Schirillo Brand Ambassador Svizzera |
Fuoco Tullio Ceccarelli |
Gaetano Esposito Pizzaiolo Verace |
Gaetano Genovesi Gaetano Genovesi |
Gennaro Langella Pizzaiolo Verace |
Gianluca Liccardo Staff |
Gigi Pizzeria Marco Matino |
Giuseppe Caravelli Staff |
Giuseppe Di Girolamo Staff |
Gold of Naples Marcus Kaufmann |
Gorizia 1962 Antonio Grasso |
Guillaume Grasso Guillaume Grasso Brand Ambassador Francia |
Happy Hours Salvatore Lucci |
Harry's Proibition Bistro Harry Ljatifovski |
Icaro Nakanishi Hikaru |
Igen Nòra Vido |
Il Babbà Giuseppe Cravero Brand Ambassador Lazio |
Il Lazzarone Eric Borger |
Il Pizzaiolo Ronald Molinaro |
Il Ritrovo Stefano Viglietti |
Il Ritrovo Yoshiyuki Okazaki |
Il Sol Levante Tenkumaru - Masamitu Nosaki |
Il Sole Rosso Yasuyuki Nakanishi Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Il Sole Ten-3 Gruppo Il Sole |
Jootopia Jumin Ahn |
La Base Pizza Weesp Sidney Diesktra |
La Dragonara Fam. Illiano |
La Fattoria Giuliano Bucci Brand Ambassador Abruzzo |
La Fontana Daniel Grzywnowicz |
La Pala Shoj Shimoda |
La Piccola Tavola Haruto Hashizume |
La Pietra Azzurra Michele Croccia |
La Pizza Fresca Brad Bonnewell |
La Porta Blu Tomomitsu Sakai |
La Rosetta Famiglia Scerrato |
La Terrazza Mediglia Patrizio Daniele |
La Terrazza San Giuliano Antonio Daniele |
Leggera Pizza Napoletana Andrè Nevoso Guidon Delegato Internazionale Brasile |
Lello Surace Fondatore |
Lucio Pizzeria Lucio De Falco Delegato Australasia |
Luigi Lombardi Fondatore |
Luigi Stentardo Fondatore |
Magazzino Avail - Masahiro Noda |
Malafemmena Emanuele Cirillo |
Mamma Rossella Farah Leisure Parks Management L.L.C. |
Marco Cello Brand Ambassador Venezuela e Florida |
Marco's Coal Fired Marc Dym |
Maria Yutaka Ogawa |
Marinato Trieste Nicola Taglialatela Brand Ambassador Friuli Venezia Giulia |
Mast Marco Caputo |
Mattozzi a Piazza Carità Paolo Surace Segretario Generale |
Meanwhile in Belfast Alessandro Scelsi |
Mediterraneo Pizza Grill Salvatore Scotto D'Abbusco |
Menomale Ettore Rusciano Fiduciario USA |
Mercantina Bistrò 37 Paulo Antunes |
Mercantina Italia Passione, LDA |
Na'Verace Orazio Speranza Brand Ambassador Grecia |
Nando Lombardi Fondatore |
Naples 15 Salvatore Di Scala |
Napoletana Pizzeria Kostantin Eleftheriadis |
Napoli Yamamoto Yoshikazu |
Napolita Joshua E. Schonfeld |
Nappo Group Ozgur Kilinclar Brand Ambassador Turchia |
Napule è Dottesio Katiuscia Coppola |
Napule è lago Antonio Coppola |
Napule è Milano Ciro Coppola Brand Ambassador Lombardia |
Napulè Kiev Giuseppe Irollo |
Napule Pizzeria Napoletana Efe Mermer |
Nicli Antica Pizzeria Bill Mc Caig |
Nodo Yasuhiro Kitamura |
Nolio Michal Gostylla |
nome |
Oak Fired Paul Jackson |
Officine del Cibo Giacomo Devoto Brand Ambassador Liguria Riviera di Levante |
Ohsaki 2 Roppongi Masaharu |
Orso Bertrand Chemel |
Papà Fredo Fredo Boubessla e Faiza Bougheraba |
Papè Satan Marco Leone Brand Ambassador Sardegna |
Parkers Restaurant & Bar Patrick Mc Laughlin |
Partenope Ebisu Fresh Food Service Co., Ltd |
Partenope Ristorante Dino Santonicola Fiduciario USA |
Pasquale Parziale Pizzaiolo Verace |
Pasquale's Pasquale Illiano Fiduciario USA |
Passo Avanti Fujii Shinya |
Pepe in Grani Franco Pepe |
Peperino Group Nicola Taglialatela |
Peppe Miele Delegato USA-Canada |
Per Bacco Domenico Martucci Brand Ambassador Piemonte e Valle d'Aosta |
Per Te Suzukawa Mitsutaka Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pergola Carmine D'Elia Brand Ambassador Germania |
Peter Surace Staff |
Piano Inhyuck Cho |
Piatto Charlottetown Brian Vallis |
Piatto Halifax Brian Vallis |
Piatto Saint John's Downtown Brian Vallis |
Piatto Saint John's Midtown Brian Vallis |
Pie'za Canada Maurizio Cesta |
Pieous Joshua Kaner |
Pitta 00 Ikspiari Co., Ltd |
Pizza e Grill "La Porta" Noboru Asano |
Pizza Pomodoro Massimo Tolve |
Pizza Riva Takanori Ooka |
Pizza Verde Matsumoto Gomi Yasuo |
Pizzaplex Alessandra Carreon |
Pizzeria "Con Cuore" Shota Ono |
Pizzeria "Da Compagno" Hideo Hamada |
Pizzeria "Da Maki" Shu Makita |
Pizzeria "La Ginestra" Norihide Yoshitake |
Pizzeria 1926 Rosario Sartore |
Pizzeria 21 Shin Iizuka |
Pizzeria 22 Cary Kemp |
Pizzeria 99 Koichi Wada |
Pizzeria Azzurri Kozaki Tetsuya Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pizzeria Beatrice Hirotaka Tsuda |
Pizzeria Bel Gioco Akitake Kawamura |
Pizzeria CA PO LI Matsui Atsushi |
Pizzeria Chiacchierone Ryuta Shino Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pizzeria Ciro "Higashi-Nakano" Acro Table S.p.A. |
Pizzeria Ciro "Sakura-shimmachi" Acro Table S.p.A. |
Pizzeria da Ciruzzo Horisaka Hiroshi |
Pizzeria Da Gaetano Fukuoka Tomohide Shitama Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pizzeria da Masaniello Komatsu Masakazu |
Pizzeria Dal Segno II Junji Suzuki |
Pizzeria del Tennis Salvatore Nicotra Brand Ambassador Liguria Riviera di Ponente |
Pizzeria del Viale Luigi Teperino |
Pizzeria e Osteria PADRINO Toru Mitsuhashi |
Pizzeria e Trattoria da Achiu Atushi Wakahara Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pizzeria Eigoro Iyomishima Eigoro Mitani |
Pizzeria Geco Shibutani Mamoru |
Pizzeria GG Kamakura Kuhno Tomoyuzi |
Pizzeria GG Kichijyoji Tomoyuki Kohno |
Pizzeria Giovanni Grimaldi Giovanni Grimaldi |
Pizzeria Hiro Nishimoto Hiroki |
Pizzeria l'Ape Hiroshi Hirai |
Pizzeria La Gita Takayama Takayoshi |
Pizzeria Libretto (Danforth) Max Rimaldi |
Pizzeria Libretto (Ossington Max Rimaldi |
Pizzeria Lucci Tomita Kouji |
Pizzeria Mamma Yutaka Ogawa |
Pizzeria Ohsaki Masaharu Roppongi |
Pizzeria Onda Manabu Suzuki |
Pizzeria Pancia Piena Tetsuya Maekama |
Pizzeria Piace Tatsuhiko Yatsuyanagi |
Pizzeria Pilaw Kawaguchi Masayuki |
Pizzeria Polipo Yamakawa Naoki |
Pizzeria Salina Masaharu Hayashi |
Pizzeria Tonino Tokyo Camel Coffee CO. LTD |
Pizzeria Trattoria La Cotta Takanori Kobayashi |
Pizzeria Verde Ischia Kenji Shoji Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Pizzeria Volare Doowon Chung Brand Ambassador Corea de Sud |
Pizzot Aniello Beneduce Brand Ambassador Russia |
Pomo Group Stefano Fabbri |
Porta Via Giovanni Giosa |
Primastrada Group Geoffrey Dallas |
Prisco a Palinuro Antonio Prisco |
Pulcinella Vince Mottola |
Pulcinella Express Umberto Tardocchi Brand Ambassador Umbria |
Pupatella Arlington Enzo Agarme |
Pupatella Richmond Enzo Agarme |
Queen Margherita of Savoy Lee Carrol |
Re Carlo Salvatore Lato |
Red Vespa Aziz Longou |
Ribalta Pasquale Cozzolino Fiduciario USA |
Ribalta Rosario Procino |
Ristorante Pizzeria Dal Segno Junji Suzuki |
Rita Squeglia Staff |
Roberto Di Massa Pizzaiolo Verace |
Roberto Morotti Pizzaiolo Verace |
RORNO Tadahiko Endo |
Rosanna Stentardo Fondatore |
Sakuragumi Akio Nishikawa |
Salvatore Santucci Pizzaiolo Verace |
San Giorgio Gino Fazzari Fiduciario USA |
Sciantusi Aleandro Palumbo |
Sciantusi Flavio Palumbo |
Settebello Carmine D'Amato Fiduciario USA |
Settebello Group Michael Brooks |
Sfashion cafe |
Shuhei Ooka Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Smashing Tomato Fayette Kevin Toyoda |
SOLO Pizza Napulitana Amr AlRefai Brand Ambassador Kuwait |
Sorbillo Gino Sorbillo |
Spacca Napoli Fuyuki Nakamura |
Stable Heart Nicholas Thexton |
Stefano Auricchio Staff |
Sticchi's Antonio Sticchi |
Taketo Hashizume Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Tammaro Landolfo Staff |
Tani Kentaro Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Tarumbò Francesco Scarano |
Taverna di Dante Franco Petrozzi |
Tenuta Paino Antonio Aniello |
Terun Kristyan D'Angelo |
Thomas Iannucci Brand Ambassador Hawaii |
Tintarella Hideo Endo |
Trattoria Pizzeria SUGATTiii Seishiro Suga |
Trattoria Pizzeria Allegro Ashiya Hayashi Hidemitsu Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Trattoria Pizzeria Allegro Umeda Hidemitsu Hayashi |
Trattoria Pizzeria Appetito Takashi Toda |
Tuttabella Group Joe Fugere Fiduciario USA |
Tuttabella Group Joe Fugere Fiduciario USA |
Ugo Cafasso Fondatore |
Umberto Massimo Di Porzio Vice Presidente |
Uwoza Tatsuyuki Hayashi |
Vecchia Malga Stefano Chiari |
Vera Napoli Daniel Grzywnowicz |
Vera Pizza Napoli KIM YUN KYOUNG |
Verace Pasquale Ponticiello Fiduciario Canada |
Vero Amore John Mussman |
Vesuvio Angelo Di Pietro |
Via Tevere Frank Morra |
Via Tribunali Luca Bertamini |
Vincenzo Capasso Fondatore |
Vincenzo Pace Fondatore |
Vincenzo Piscitelli Pizzaiolo Verace |
Vuolo Verona Guglielmo Vuolo Brand Ambassador Campania |
What the Crust Dareen Akkad Brand Ambassador Egitto |
Yoshida Kengo Delegato Internazionale Giappone |
Zecchini Pizza Bancarella Shingo Ohzeki |
Zielona Jedrzej Lewandowski |